You find yourself standing in a deep void, streams of white light whirring around you as if you were in the eye of a dark tornado. A second Alkarnabi floats in the air with their back turned between you and another portal. They don't seem to have noticed you yet; their attention is turned to the second portal, crackling with electricity.

A second later, Lucidem appears next to you. They take in the scene quickly and call out to the other Alkarnabi. "Who are you, what have you done to Harry and Copper!?"

The floating Alkarnabi freezes, then turns to face you both. A crown of black fire opal adorns their head. "I could ask you the same thing, meddlers!What are you doing here?"

"We came to save our friends," Lucy yells back. He stands in front of now and repeats, "what have you done with them?"

The other Alkarnabi chuckles. "Why, they've been banished to the Dimension of Despair! It's right through here if you wish to join them?" They laugh maniacally, but you and Lucy hold your ground. "You spoil-sports will never free them. This holiday of romance is going to come to a shrieking halt, all thanks to the diabolical and devious Edgelord Extravagant!"

Lucy is surprised. "Edgelord? You are Mr. Huber's brother, a friend of Harry's!"

Edgelord sneers at the name. "I am, which is why I chose them first! In my Dimension of Despair, I will feed on their love and happiness with each other until there is nothing left. They will be trapped in there, miserable for all time, while I become even more powerful with every victim! Bwahahahaha!"

"No! We'll stop you, Edgelord!"